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修道院の庭に並ぶ木々を見てい たら た。長い年月そこに佇む木々 は、ブルージュの歴史全 てを物語っている様に感じます。冬の冷たい北風にも負けず、まっすぐ伸びる姿に、これからのお二人の未来を重ねて。いつまでも助け合って成長し続けられますように。While I look at the trees in the garden of Flemish Béguinages, this design comes to my mind. The trees standing for centuries seemed to tell me about all the history of Burugge.The trees endure and grow straight even being blown by a cold wind in winter.Like these trees, may you be able to continue growing against all difficulties with helping each other!